Friday, March 30, 2012

Three Things That People Are Afraid Of...

As you may or may not know, I am a stand-up comic in my free time...sometimes. Most of the time, I lounge around the house reading my Walking Dead comics or Harry Potter, but sometimes, I'm a comic. When I'm on stage, I talk about the three things that people are most afraid of: feminism, atheism and Detroit. There are many misconceptions about each of those things.

People from out of state are afraid of you if you live in Detroit. Now, I live about 2 miles away from Detroit, but I just want to clear up that not all of us are murderers. I have never seen someone get shot and I have never seen a crime be committed (unless you count that one time my best friend in first grade stole a candy bar from Farmer Jack). In fact, that only time that someone I know was murdered, I lived in the boonies about an hour and a half outside the city. People have seriously asked me this. These are actual misconceptions that people have told me.

As far as misconceptions go, here's another one: I am a good person. I donate to charity, I help out with different things in my community and as far as I know, I have never eaten a baby. I am a vegetarian, so baby carrots are the closest I get. My atheism has nothing to do with morality.

I also have never burned a bra. I wear lipstick, I shave various parts of my body and I even have a boyfriend. I don't hate men. I do have a cat, but I also have a puppy and a lizard. I really don't fit into the stereotypes.

Seriously. If you think you know everything about these things, but you don't know someone who's a feminist, or an atheist, or even from Detroit, you should probably do a little research. To be honest, you probably already know an atheist or feminist.

Think about it.


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